C++ YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe)
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cyasmin::blackboard::BlackboardA thread-safe storage for key-value pairs of varying types
 Cyasmin::blackboard::BlackboardValueInterfaceInterface for blackboard value types
 Cyasmin::blackboard::BlackboardValue< T >A template class that wraps a value of type T
 CFibonacciActionServerA ROS 2 action server node for calculating Fibonacci sequences
 CServerNodeA ROS 2 service server node for adding two integers
 Cyasmin_ros::YasminNodeA ROS 2 node for managing and handling YASMIN-based applications
 Cyasmin::StateRepresents a state in a state machine
 Cyasmin_ros::ActionState< Fibonacci >
 CFibonacciStateRepresents the action state for the Fibonacci action
 Cyasmin_ros::MonitorState< nav_msgs::msg::Odometry >
 CPrintOdometryStateA state that monitors odometry data and transitions based on a specified count
 Cyasmin_ros::ServiceState< example_interfaces::srv::AddTwoInts >
 CAddTwoIntsStateState for calling the AddTwoInts service in ROS 2
 CBarStateRepresents the "Bar" state in the state machine
 CFooStateRepresents the "Foo" state in the state machine
 Cyasmin::CbStateRepresents a state that executes a callback function
 Cyasmin::StateMachineA class that implements a state machine with a set of states, transitions, and callback mechanisms for state changes
 Cyasmin_ros::ActionState< ActionT >A state class for handling ROS 2 action client operations
 Cyasmin_ros::MonitorState< MsgT >Template class to monitor a ROS 2 topic and process incoming messages
 Cyasmin_ros::ServiceState< ServiceT >A state class that interacts with a ROS 2 service
 Cyasmin_viewer::YasminViewerPubPublishes state machine data for visualization